We were excited and inquisitive to meet Jonas Westring as he popped in this year for some of Danny Paradise’s retreat. For several decades Jonas has traveled the world transmitting the essence of yoga, bodywork, anatomy and therapeutics with a light-hearted, educational, anatomical-therapeutic twist. He is known and appreciated for an insightful, joyful teaching style that emphasizes students’ educational advancement as well as providing them an in-depth personal direct experience of yoga.
Now he will come next year to teach a delicious week of Shantaya Yoga Therapy at Yoga Rocks. Shantaya means peacefulness and yoga therapy is a way of working with yoga so it specifically makes you feel better where needed. Sounds good to us.
Swedish, with decades in the USA and Asia, Jonas began his yoga journey in 1981 at the Scandinavian Yoga School, a branch of the Bihar School of Yoga. Now with 40 years personal yoga experience; 25 years yoga teaching and 20 years leading yoga teacher training he is bursting with experience but taking a step back now from the intense TT land to chill. What better place to do this than retreating a little on the south coast of Crete.
Jonas brings to his teaching not only a multitude of yoga styles and therapies but also a background in clinical physiotherapy which he practised both in Sweden and in the USA in the 1990s. He was also one of the early pioneers in spreading the Thai massage healing tradition – what a winning combo. With this solid education in western medicine and a life invested in holistic healing modalities and practices from the East, he happily integrates both perspectives into educational therapeutic teachings. We can’t wait to dive in.
850 euro