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Two weeks with Danny P went in a flash with lots of fun characters in the mix. Danny’s relaxed late morning start meant easy mornings and, weather permitting, relaxed evenings under the stars with gallons of tea. We saw beach sunshine, exciting winds, heavy clouds and even some showers.

Each morning class had a chat about all things yogic, pranayama, nauli and asana. Possibly the most encouraging, yet easy going teacher ever, Danny held an open-ended and easy going space with options for everybody. After class was a delicious late lunch and time for beaching.

Nadia was in full support with musical moments, asana assists and much more. The second week Anastasis also joined teaching a few chunks in his unique ‘Zorba Yoga’ style and adding to the funky vibe with a sunset ecstatic dance. There’s nothing quite like a retreat with Mr Paradise!

Danny’s past retreats Danny’s latest retreat at Yoga Rocks