Danny delves deeply into yoga asana as well as pranayama, yoga history and the lesser known origins, applications and side shoots of yoga. A yoga pioneer and warrior we love to host. No early morning classes with Mr Paradise, he starts around 10.00 and has been known, with over excited guests, to go until 14.30!
The sessions start with an illuminating and sometimes provocative talk. This is followed by the Ashtanga pranayama sequence leading into nauli kriya and then asana based loosely round the various Ashtanga series.
Class normally winds up for a slightly more sensible lunch time with the rest of the day free for beaching and occasionally a musical evening with Danny and friends.
The idea is after the one long session everyone except the asana addicted should have had enough yoga – Danny is always happy to go on while the participants are eager 🙂
Guests enjoy a relaxed and easy going day with a ‘clubby ‘ chamomile tea vibe in the evenings. The schedule creates space – no need to get up early, rush back from afternoon activities nor prise yourself from your hammock. Morning swimming as well as late afternoon beach time opens up with late dinners. We love it every year and so do the mellow smiling yogis.

A huge part of Danny’s essence is to encourage and empower people to step out of their box and do what they really want to do, to learn to find practical ways to be happy, healthy, fulfilled and see things as they really are.
A little like a yoga Merlin, Danny’s magical vibe seems to envelop the retreat starting almost immediately on his arrival. On some years he brings along a small entourage of yogic helpers aiming to ramp up the fun or even assist in the teaching.