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All were on great form this year – David, his regular guests and the newbies who joined this slightly dysfunctional but very friendly family.  Mornings in the breakfast kitchen were chatty and comfortable, with the late yoga time no-one was in a hurry to do anything. Pre-yoga beach visits were common, with everyone coming together at 10.00 for the intense pranayama practice that David leads for a relaxed and agreeable half an hour. Over the week, and especially for those staying for two weeks, the pranayama practice can develop beyond belief. The Ashtanga primary series followed and while the pace was steady, the physical practice was easy going with no pressure to force anything. For David it is all about enjoying practising together and feeling the good post practice vibes.

A delicious lunch preceded a trip to David’s favourite beach bar for backgammon, swimming and possibly chess! Others scattered across the various local beaches. The group reconvened for an early dinner and then tripped off to the next door taverna for the theory talk.

David’s past retreats David’s latest retreat at Yoga Rocks