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Get out the hose, the teachers so far this year are on fire! Very happy to welcome Mel and & Emil back and see the guests’ eyes light up as pennies drop right, left and centre. In the bright early mornings, with sun rising over the mountains on the way to class, the comforting and encouraging sound of ujjayi breath accompanied the Mysore class. The subtle adjustments were a really enjoyable combo of traditional methods with Mel & Emil’s intelligent supports and twists. Some guests went to both the Mysore class and the led class that followed. Over the week, through both the led Ashtanga class and the afternoon Yin Yoga class, Mel treated the yogis to a tour of their bodies with her practical and super useful knowledge of anatomy.

In the evenings there was optional, user friendly chanting under the stars. The weather was friendly too as the guests tripped off to Preveli for a chirpy boat trip and a dip in the extra fresh river water.

Lisa wrote: Thank you! I had one of the best weeks of my life! Mel and Emil were magic.

Melanie’s past retreats Melanie’s latest retreat at Yoga Rocks