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A wondrous couple of retreats with Sky, fully supported by the lovely Sanna.

Sky’s ever evolving yoga treasure chest was bulging with goodies including an emerging focus on core strength leaving a pleasing ache in those tummy muscles. The retreats developed organically in their richness as the holidays progressed. Mornings started crisp and early with a satisfying foray into the body and mind followed by a leisurely breakfast and then for many a cheery trip to the beach. Besides the afternoon class where anything at all could happen and various evening offerings, Sanna added an extra early dawn mediation morning and a post lunch Vedanta class. Her thoughtful and caring teachings inspired an interest in the yoga beyond the asana.

This is yoga spanning the ages from ancient Vedanta to modern psychology and a present evolving postural practice. We always hesitate to use the word unique but the depth and dedication of these fantastic teachers mean this harmony of practices leave a truly lasting impression.

Sky’s past retreats Sky’s latest retreat at Yoga Rocks