What happened in 2020!

Grateful to have opened in 2020! Through July Helen taught, often to long stay guests who made the retreat their home and sanctuary from corona fear. This feeling of a safe but communal bubble developed and provided respite for many in an unbelievable year. As expected, given the circumstances, many teachers and groups couldn’t make it but Anastasis, Maria, Sky and finally Fleur joined us. Lovely guests arrived, very relieved to be here, some of whom stayed for ages. There was a new vibe with yogis sneaking out of class to go to work! We were nourished by Bryony’s incredible food, flavours, textures and moods from other worlds. The surroundings, quieter than usual and some areas possibly unchanged since the dinosaurs, steadied and delighted fragile, frazzled bodies and minds.
Bryony’s treats @bbs_traveling_kitchen

Gill, a regular Yoga Rocks guest wrote: Thank you for staying open through 2020 – going to Crete was absolutely the best decision I made all year and I am uber-grateful for the time at Yoga Rocks (more than ever this year) … thanks again for keeping going and giving us the opportunity for some ‘active hope’ in 2021.