Helen Reavill
11 July – 15 August 2020
Helen opened 27 June – 11 July with two full retreat weeks. From 11 July she’ll continue to teach yoga to week retreaters and lucky long term stayers up to the 15 August. The schedule and feeling will be pared down to more of a holiday vibe with one morning class a day leaving plenty of space for beaching, work or connection.
Each morning, depending on the needs of the group, will be a celebration of breath and movement with funky tunes or sometimes a quieter vibe in our stunning yoga space looking over the sea. Creative and warm classes open hearts and bring big smiles. Comfortable yet challenging asana is tailored to the group with plenty of individual attention and variations, so all get the most out of their practice. Pranayama and meditation will organically arise around the asana.
The compact rather than immersive schedule on these weeks aims to create plenty of free time. For lovers of the good life and the holiday vibe. Explore the gorgeous extra peaceful beaches or if you have work, you can enjoy an amazing office view and swim and sun breaks. Regular and mind blowing nourishment will keep everyone happy with bright, easy going company readily available.
About Helen:
Having experienced so many of today’s great teachers Helen looks forward to using this reservoir of experience to create classes that lift your practice to wherever it needs to go. Moving the benefits of yoga off the mat into real life is a primary goal and an inevitable result of regularly and whole heartedly practising yoga, Helen believes. Guests should increase their ability to glide over problematic situations increasing energy and enthusiasm.
To find out more about your possibilities drop us a line or check out the long term stayers page if an extended stay might be for you.
If you fancy a full retreat with Helen from 15-22 August click for details…