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A perky group of guests enjoyed the generous dose of authentic teachings offered up by Patrick. A whole bag of yoga tricks; asana, pranayama, meditation, chanting and as well as evening satsang. The asana practice was solid and grounding and the pranayama with meditation refreshingly accessible. Patrick’s heartfelt love for chanting shone through and the satsang was inspiring and funducational. It was all optional of course and the guests dived into whatever they needed. Many lapped it all up. The upbeat crowd also had a lively wish to enquire and connect deeply.

An exciting week weather wise, Triopetra treated us to weather extremes from boiling at the beginning of the week, through windy to crazy windy. It was not all extremes and there were still some classes on the decking. Strong weather encouraged extra naps, cosy chats and exfoliation on the wild beach.

Patrick’s past retreats Patrick’s latest retreat at Yoga Rocks